Bass trombone

Malena Lorenson

Alberta, 21 years old

Malena Lorenson, originally from Red Deer, Alberta, is a bass trombonist based in Montreal, Quebec. She is currently pursuing her bachelor’s degree at the Conservatoire de musique de Montréal under the guidance of Patrice Richer, having previously studied with Pierre Beaudry at McGill University.


Malena Lorenson won first prize in the George Roberts Bass Trombone Competition at the 2024 International Trombone Festival and received multiple provincial awards as a soloist in Alberta. She participated in masterclasses at Domaine Forget with renowned musicians such as James Markey, Jörgen van Rijen, and Martin Schippers. 


In May 2024, she took part in the mentorship program of the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, and in 2023, the National Academy Orchestra of Canada under the baton of Alain Trudel. Malena Lorenson has played with various ensembles in Quebec and Ontario, including the symphony orchestras of Laval, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, and Kingston.